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Safety science

Journal Volume: 47
Journal Issue: 7
Journal Year: 2009
Articles in SafetyLit: 17

A novel auditory working-memory vigilance task for mental fatigue assessment

An explorative study of health, safety and environment culture in a Norwegian petroleum company

Classification of errors contributing to rail incidents and accidents: A comparison of two human error identification techniques

Crowding in platform staircases of a subway station in China during rush hours

Economic cost of occupational accidents: Evidence from a small island economy

Exploratory study on safety climate in Chinese manufacturing enterprises

First principles, second hand: Perceptions and interpretations of vision zero in Norway

Implications of turnover and trust for safety attitudes and behaviour in work teams

Product safety - Principles and practices in a life cycle perspective

Relation between occupational safety management and firm performance

Safety is the antonym of risk for some perspectives of risk

Severity analysis of Indian coal mine accidents - A retrospective study for 100 years

The analysis of domino effect impact probability triggered by fragments

The development of a more risk-sensitive and flexible airport safety area strategy: Part I. The development of an improved accident frequency model

The development of a more risk-sensitive and flexible airport safety area strategy: Part II. Accident location analysis and airport risk assessment case studies

The implementation of a human factors engineering checklist for human / system interfaces upgrade in nuclear power plants

Towards an evaluation of accident investigation methods in terms of their alignment with accident causation models